Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I need suggestions. I have a Walrus Food folder in My Documents, but I don't know what to put in it! It's silly to have an empty folder on one's computer even if it is called Walrus Food. So...got any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I would go with Hugh's suggestion.

Why in the world did you name a file "walrus food"???

Never mind. I probably wouldn't understand anyway.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Because, once in an earlier post, I put C:\My Documents\Walrus Food\don'tyouwishyouhadawalrusfoodfolder.mp3 as my Current Mood and then Cory made some comment about it and I ended up actually making a Walrus Food folder.

Anonymous said...

dude, you so already asked me this, and i so couldn't think of a creative idea.

i still can't. i'm sorry to let you down. :-P

Father Cory said...

In /my/ Walrus Food folder, I have a text file that is titled: "Feed the Walrus!", and inside the file it says "You have fed the walrus."


Father Cory said...

Oh yeah, and I'll e-mail you 'don'tyouwishyouhadawalrusfoodfolder.mp3' tomorrow XD

Sir Brian The Manly said...

YES! That would be fantastic! XD