Sunday, September 25, 2005

Guess where I'm going at 2:30 today? Corpse Bride!! Woo. Fortunetly I happen to have just the right amount of money in my wallet at them moment so I probably won't have to borrow from Hugh.

Yesterday our church had a free car/hair/child care day and so I was washing cars all afternoon. bleh. It was kind of fun though since I got to hang out with friends but I got tired of cars and water. but then afterwards we went and played Call of Duty: United Offense and I completely owned one game. That felt good. (I would've won more but we only played for a couple hours and I had to switch off with somebody for a game or two) ( Jacob is way too freaking good at that game)

This morning I dreamed that there was an alarm going off but I couldn't find it and couldn't find it and then I woke up later and realized it was my alarm clock. It was a very aggrivating dream though.

..and now everybody needs to go watch this clip from the new Wallace and Gromit movie because it's completely awesome.

Oh and here's a picture of Hulk and Juggernaut that I drew the other day because I felt like it. It's a bit cartoony and painty (and by that I mean mspainty =þ )

And while I'm giving you pictures, take this one too. It's from a quizmeet long ago, but I thought it was kind of funny.

Current Mood: Lemon Sprinkled Toolbox
Current Music: Blindside - "Put Back The Stars"


Anonymous said...

You left such a nice blog, and NOBODY posted a comment. I couldn't stand it, so I took matters into my own hands.


Uhh.....nice pictures too. I'm gonna make a poster of the one of you. Maybe even get a full body picture of you and turn it into a life-sized cardboard model just so I can feel like you're with me EVERYWHERE I go! HURRAY! ...

Sir Brian The Manly said...

lol, good heavens..would that be flattering or just creepy?? XD

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a life-size cardboard standup of your mom. It'd be h00ge XD

Anonymous said...

And woah...speaking of which, that's your Mom in the picture XD I'd forgotten about that.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Whoa hey yeah! I wonder if I'm related to the one she's battling...maybe my uncle or something? XD