Sunday, September 25, 2005

Corpse Bride was very impressive! Especially the piano scenes I really liked it. ..but I ate my movie ticket and it tasted like a Safeway receipt even though it didn't have much ink on it, so I'm thinking it's just the kind of paper they use. Fortunetly I had some gum with me to counter the terrible flavor. Anyway yeah, Corpse Bride was a good show. =)


Anonymous said...

why did you eat your ticket?! you crazy, you! was in walnut flavored gum?!

and i was indeed at work when you called. :-P I'll try calling you later, if i have to lol

Anonymous said...

and, of course, when i say "if I have to" i mean....if i'm not already talking to you later, i'll call you (not as in, if i haaaaaaaaave to...but i bet you knew that, huh?)