Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Man last weekend was fantastic. zAny's still my favorite, and Kaarin was a lot of fun to hang out with as well. (oh, and of course hugh was cool too. but I live in the same town as him, so he's not as rare) It was more exciting than drowning in beer, eh?

Anyway, I ate a steakburger last night. It was funny. Not bad though. zAny wouldn't've <---(lol, wouldn't've) liked it though. ^_^

Cory, you need to tell me your date of birth so I can send you a present, and I'm too lazy to find out by searching blogs or forums or anything. Make haste, man. (but don't get too excited, because I'm probably not going to spend a lot of money on you. ;) )
(oh and btw, I haven't recieved my dirt yet)

Bethany and I were in the mood to watch some funny laughable movies tonight so I rented Hide and Seek and The Glass House. Scary movies can be funny. Plus we didn't get to watch any over the weekend so I want to now.

Yesterday I walked outside in the 100 degree heat for two hours because I felt like it. It was fun.

Oh and projectors rock. That is all.

Current Mood: Fully Automatic Tape Dispenser
Current Music: Project 86 - "One Armed Man (Play On)" (I've been in love with Project 86 lately. ^_^ )


Kaits said...

I haven't gotten my envelope either.

I've never watched a horror movie. except 2 scenes from sixth sense.

Anonymous said...

fantastic indeed, and you're still my hero! so it's all good... I'm really sorry about the steakburger-- you're right, I probably wouldn't've like it. Haha. I was thinking about that today, I thought of some other funny ones but now I can't remember. Whatever.

You and your projector.... not like it wasn't cool to BEAT YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (ahem) on the gamecube with a projector, though. ;) Hahaha oh man, good times. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian... You don't know me. My name is Elyse I know Cory so I'm going to help you out. He was going to make me do a math problem to figure out what his birthday was. So I cheated and looked it up in the school phone book (we used to go to the same school). It's September 2. There you go.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

*mumbles something to zAny about one lousy coin*

Ah, September 2nd. Thanks. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Gah. So much pressure from everyone.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

*presses Cory*