Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The other night, I had my keys in my hand and was leaving my bedroom, and I reached up to flip the light switch. ...now the light switch in my room has no cover on it, so when I put my hand up and flipped the switch, one of my keys was inserted into the opening around it and there was a "CRACK" sound and I looked and saw a spark fly down to the floor below. I was like "DO_ODE!!"

Anyway, I didn't think much of it other than "wow, I'm glad my sleeve didn't catch on fire or something" but then tonight as I went to lock the store's front door, my key didn't fit. I looked at it. It was melted. Dude.

...in other news, this took place somewhere in Portland. Ridiculous.


Father Cory said...

1. Oh my mans. Many car collisions. You'd think people would stop driving down that road.
2. Change your theme. The background always freezes up and I have to highlight your text to find out what you're saying.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

What in blazes!? There must be something up with the server. It was fine last night. I hope all my stuff didn't get hosed. =[

Anonymous said...

Oh man... THAT'S CRAZY!!!!!

And, I'm glad your arm didn't die.