About 17 hours of driving, four ferry rides, 3 gas tank fill-ups, two frustrations of getting lost, one frustration of getting stuck in traffic, and one disobeyal of parents, all to get one hour of a reception. Was it worth it? I don't know. But it was nice seeing becca and Amber again. Plus Andrew and I got to listen to whatever music we wanted for a very long time in the car.
Also, Darren and I got to play a lot of Earth Defense 2017, which is one of the most glorious games I have ever played! Heroscape was good too.
But wow...lots of driving. I only wish we had made it in time for the actual wedding. -_-
My first art class tonight. Watercolors. We'll see how it goes...
Oh my heavenscrap. She really did get married.
Got any more pictures?
Just a couple. ...plus I have some of a camera, a glass, my face, a road sign, and Andrew. I take the best pictures. XD
But Sir David Norris has some on facebook and Andrew might have some. I'll have to ask him to send them to me.
But yeah, dude..isn't it WEIRD!? She's like...married! o_O
:laugh: She does look rather cynical ^_^
Well, it's not like she was posing or anything, and remember, she had to pose for only about fifty photos that morning, and then smile and be enthusiastic to about two hundred individual well-wishers. If I were her, I would have used up all my smiles for the day loong before that point. She does look happy, just in a dreamy kind of way.
I look rather...surprised.
oh i thought you expression was more of oh no what is brian setting on fire now
lol, I only set two things on f*re. Mostly because Michelle was threatening my life.
And I'm guessing you meant Jeremy. Not Andrew.
Gah! My nose is all red. >.>
Weow, becca and I look really alike in this photo.
You must've had to much champaign?
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