Thursday, December 01, 2005

*sigh* I'm growing awfully tired of this.

So I went into the makeup room today and the lady said, "Oh...are you going to be in the play? I thought you weren't going to be able to do it" and I said, "No, I'll be in it this weekend, it's next weekend that I'll be gone." and she said, "Oh. Well I crossed you off the list" So I got my makeup on and thought, "wow, that's a good sign maybe this Christopher guy really is going to do it!" and so Trevor and I asked Ken (the MAIN head dude, lol), "Is Christopher going to be able to do my part?"

"Nope. Scott (whoever that is. one of the other leader guys I guess) thought you were going to be in all four showings so he told Christopher not to worry about it."

I almost died. So later I asked, " Chris able to do it or can he actually not?" And he said, "Well he'll be available but I don't know if he can relearn all the lines in a week or not." AERLGIHJSRTGLKJSHNRFT

So before I left, I found out who Chris was and I went up and asked him, "Do you think you'll be able to do my part?" And he quite hesitantly said, "..." and I guess he's willing to try, so we'll find out later (gads I'm tired of this last minute waiting stuff) if he can pull it off for sure or not. He'd better. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

so uhh, how much do I have to bribe him?!?!?!?!

Sir Brian The Manly said...

lol, that actually did run through my mind. =D