Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hey look another story! I just got a haircut...but BEFORE that I was in the other house with bethany. She was reading a book in the computer chair and I was right next to her in the big foofy chair attempting to stand on my head (while in the chair of course) and I accidently kicked the chandlier that I'd forgotten was above me and it came swinging down, right by bethany's head, flinging glass light-cover-things everywhere (none broke) and getting dust and dead moths all over the upside-down me and my foofy chair and freaking the doodles out of bethany. I accidently squooshed a dead moth in my hand. Eeeeeewwww! The end!


Anonymous said...

my, are you a fiesty one today! first the door, then the closet, and now this! lol.

(hahahahaha you and your haircuts...) :)

Sir Brian The Manly said...


Anonymous said...

You are so funny, and random.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Yeah and I accidently broke a light bulb at church today when I was throwing a tennis ball across the room. =O


Anonymous said...


yeah the closet, you hoser.

hoser-who-won't-stop-dying, that is

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I know I said you don't have to tell me about whatever it was you were talking about, but that doesn't mean you CAN'T tell me. I mean if you really want to...heck even if you DON'T really want to, you can! =)

Kaits said...

That would freak the doodles out of me.

What are your doodles anyway?

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I think they're like your bejeebers or something

Beth said...

you forgot to mention how you started screaming when you squooshed the moth.....

Kaits said...

heh heh....sqooshed....heh.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I didn't scream! I probably just...kinda...exclaimed something.