Monday, December 05, 2005

Darren took all the Godzilla movies when he left for College (I guess they are technically his, except I think I own maybe like one or two but yeah, heh) so I haven't seen them in quite a few years. BUT Josiah borrowed couple of my favovorite ones from a friend of ours, and now I have them and I just watched one and it was wonderful! Terrible acting, terrible dialogue, terrible story, terrible special effects, and great memories from when I was a kid (of like 10 or 12 XD ), it was great!

There's a bird outside eating my dog's food.

Current Mood: Widescreen Candle Swingset
Currently Listening To: Adventures In Odyssey (oh hush, you. XD )


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're absolutely terrible!

(so, when can I come and watch them too? lol)

(jazzy-mina's food?!)

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Hahaha, dude I would LOVE to watch one with you! In fact as I was watching it I was thinking to myself, "Man I wish Rosanne were here, she would think this was so funny!"

Okay, this is how great it is as far as story goes:
These aliens come to earth after there planet (which looks just like earth) is destroyed (a planet that it shows a glimse of and you a see a coca-cola truck drive by. They have coca-cola on alien planets?) and they build this big Godzilla building, and they say they're trying to bring perfect peace to the world. However they end up calling these two monsters to earth to wreak havoc, and Godzilla and his friend anguira(sp?) have to stop them. In the end you find out that the aliens aren't really humans but that it's only a disguise form and they're actually cockroaches! (oh no!) anyway that only begins to describe how awesome the movie is. There's plenty of other great things along the way, lol. Darren has it. Maybe we can watch it at his house sometime. ^_^

Kaits said...

You have an exciting life...

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahahahahahaha!!! oh maaaaaaaan! (guess how i said that? lol) there are so many things going on in that plot that are just begging to be marveled at. I don't believe the genius of these movie directors!!
