Monday, December 26, 2005

Bethany came in while I was playing video games and told me she just lit her arm on fire. She said she was lighting a candle and the sleeve of her sweater caught fire and scared the badoogles (yes I believe she said badoogles) out of her. I've eaten too much junk food. I might die. Someday. ..also my fingers are really sore from playing too much Playstation Twoses. Playstation controllers are my least favorite kind.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you and all your video games! ;) Silly boy. Funny words are just part of the vocabulary of everyone in your family, I think. And I completely now how you feel abou tthe junk food, I think I'm going to die, too. Let's die simulatneously. that word is definately looking weird, to me. I just looked at the clock and realized it is way too late for me to be awake, because I wake up at the slightest noise in the morning, meaning when my family gets up at 8:30 tomorrow, so will I, and we know how bad that is. Um. hi!

Beth said...

heeeey.......zAny posted at 12:34 thats basically awesome

Anonymous said...

wow, i am so cool!

and i'd just like to state for the record that it's been almost 12 hours, and i JUST WOKE UP. do you know how CRAZY that is!?!?!

Father Cory said...


What, is GC not good enough for you?

Sir Brian The Manly said...

zAny: Okay it's settled. We'll die at the same time. Also, I don't know what's weird about sleeping that long. I do it every night. XD

Bethany: w0rd

Father Cory: I dont' have any recently new GC games and I'm borrowing my brother's PS2 so that I can play Sly 3 which was just released and which he worked on quite a bit. So there. =þ

Jesse: My mistake. "Her arm on f*re"

Hugh: Pity. Beach is good though. I've never spent Christmas there before.

Beth said...

brian is a swearer! i'm ashamed.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

You were the one lighting your arm on f*re.