Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ooooooog. I just got sick last night. Like I even felt it all happen as it occured. I don't have chicken pox (lol) and I don't feel nauseus at all, but I've got the sensitive skin thing, the aching joints, the burning eyes, the occasional headaches, and last night I had the out of control shivering so I cranked the bedroom heat way up and managed to sleep (but woke up numerous times in the night). I had some reeeaaaaally weird dreams too. Like I can't even remember all the weird things that happened in them. =P

so anyway, krtdjhgnvukrudjhgnv.

Current Mood: Apple Hosing Powerdrill
Current Music: still nope


Anonymous said...

oh no! :( I'm glad it's not the chicken pox, buuuut i'm not too sure if that sounds that much better. :-\ I hope you feel better soon!!!

Monica said...

Weird dreams? Make sure no one is mixing anything into your chicken soup.