Sunday, June 15, 2008

So mom and dad and I went to see The Incredible Carol Bridges today. It wasn't the best ever (although my dad really really liked it a lot) but it had some monstrous (omg pun rofl!) battle scenes. My downsides were, I really can't stand Liv Tyler...she's up there with Nicholas Cage and Ben Affleck for me. Also, Hulky's rage was mostly just continuous throughout. I mean there weren't really any scenes where he gets hosed so much that you can just sense the power in him building up to absurd levels, until he snaps and does something unheard of. More specifically, what I have in mind is when he picked up Thor's hammer in the first Ultimate Avengers cartoon. Please understand, NOBODY picks up Thor's hammer except Thor, that just doesn't happen. It's a god hammer, and nobody can pick it up unless they're worthy of it. Yet Hulk got up enough strength, picked it up, and threw it. That's why Josiah and Jacob and I all freaked out when we watched Ultimate Avengers. =D

ANYWAY. I have a HUGE spoiler about the ending that I really want to broadcast, but I don't know if I should or not. If you're going to see the movie, you can just wait for it I guess, but if you don't care about spoilers, check it out here.


K. H. said...

mom went to see it? seriously? did she say it was weird to see herself on the big screen? did she feel she was accurately portrayed?

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I don't remember her saying much of anything, actually.

Alli Easley said...

I hate Liv Tyler so bad. I hate her stupid elven mouth, and her buck teeth. Omg so much hate.

K. H. said...

Liv is the worst. We saw the movie last night. I'll bet mom hated it.