- A train track
- Some old smashed cars
- A small dirt d*vil that passed right through me (or over me if you prefer)
- Some bees
- These two freaky giant birds with foot long needle shaped beaks. They must've had a nest because they kept flying right at me making weird noises. It was fascinating and kind of freaky. Never seen birds like that before. It was like this...
- A giant ant hill
- Some unidentifiable objects
- A large perfect circle of rocks piled up for no apparent reason. What the madness? o_O
- A barbed wire fence that I somehow ended up behind with a sign that said no trespassing. Not sure how I got behind that but I had to crawl under to get out. =P
P.S. I also found some teeth. Might've been coyote or something. But they were still connected to the jaw. YIPPEE!!
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