Friday, September 08, 2006


I had some turbo pizza today that my friend Greg (who is planning on owning a restaraunt someday and that means he's an uber cook) made and woah dude. Good stuff. Chris and I finished all the animation for our movie tonight, so it's nearly completed. I'll have it up here once it's finished. So ready?


Father Cory said...

I love how I'm stereotyped with a black shirt and a yellow hat :laugh:

Number Mouth said...

I would punch my grandma in the face right now for some really good pizza, I would.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Cory: I've seen that yellow (orange) hat around quite a few times since I first saw you in it. I should give you the purple glasses too. XD

Hugh: righto.

Alli: It happens.

Monica said...

Hahahaha! Awesome. And I will have a Jones soda (was that what you called it?) now. If it exists...I've never had it before.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

DUDE!!!! I'm going straight to your LJ to complain to you about this.