Friday, September 01, 2006

COMIC ATTACK! - Brian's "Pancake"

These are lame, extremely poorly drawn (so that I don't have to put any time into them), and enjoyable to whip out at high speeds. If you're my friend or I know you even slightly, then there is risk of you being in one at some point in time. I will post one now and then and uhhhhh...that's all.


Father Cory said...

Woo! I saw me!

Beth said...

wow...i am really ugly as of late...

Kaits said...

XD That is awesome!

Elyse said...

Ha ha! That's funny.

Oh and Brian I found something you might enjoy, but I think Rosanne might kill you if you ever tried it. It might take a while to load though, but I think it's worth it.

It's 2 Russian guys doing freerunning or Le Parkour. It's really amazing. I was stunned that they didn't die.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Dude, I saw that at a friend's house like a week or two ago and I was like, "!!!!!". I watched it about a million times after that. XD

My favorite move is where he steps on the wall, 180's himself further up the wall, and then arials off of it. I really want to learn that one. =D

Elyse said...

Ha! Well, I wonder how many times they died before they got good at it. Ack! It looks SOOO scary! But of course I break my ankle while only falling 4 feet down, so you can see why I'm a little bit fearful of that stuff.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

heh, yeah. I saw another one where they were just doing stuff in a gym, and they showed some falling down clips. They aren't flawless. ^_^ (they aren't falless either, heh)