Saturday, June 17, 2006

Trying to figure out radiant which is basically a level maker for quake III, jedi something-or-other (can't remember which one, heh), or in my case: Call of Duty. It's pretty simple, but I have yet to figure out how to compile a map to make it playable. drrrr. Think I might have it now though. soon I will be making Call of Duty levels galore! ...maybe. *ahem*

Something happened to my van. There's a new dent in the back left corner. At first I wondered if the trailer hit it while I was backing around a corner or something, but I think it's too far up, I think I would've heard it hit, and Jacob can see back there so I imagine he would've told me. I think somebody must've hit it and run or something. I don't know. At least it matches the other dents in that side of the van, heheh.

My mom says that when I was a kid I would climb into their bed every night without them knowing, even when they got the water bed. ..and my mom is a very light sleeper, able to wake up to nearly anything. Am I a ninja?


Anonymous said...

I totally read that the first time as: "Something happened to my vein." and i was like, "oh brooooother!" hahahaha

Beth said... my foot.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

oh em gee, like the foot ninjas from TMNT!? Kowabunga, dude!!

(haha, my vein. wouldn't suprise me. ^_^ )