Thursday, January 05, 2006

Story Time!

Pete came over again tonight. This time he bought Serious Sam: 2nd Encounter which is a stupid (but fun) mindless FPS. We played for nearly 6 hours, and then finally when we were getting reeeaaaal close to the end of the game it froze on us. Consoles don't normally lock up, but occasionally it happens and it's reeeaaaally frusteratingfrustrating. We restarted the game thinking, "oh man we'll have to continue back at our last save" when we happily discovered that the auto-save hadn't worked (don't know why. mayhap a full memory card or something) so we lost all of our progress and would have to start back at the beginning. Hrmph. Naturally we said our substitutionary swear words and quit. Now it's 3:00 in the morning and I'm going to read some Essential Spider-Man and then go to bed. The end!


Anonymous said...

3 in the morning????


Kaits said...

playing games til 3 is nothing. Josh and I have played a few time til at least 5! :P

Anonymous said...

Who is this Josh person, Kaits?

Father Cory said...

Bethany's boyfriend.

XD Whoops!

I've heard many good things about SS:2, and about how pointlessly stupid it is, yet fun XD


Yes. You said a swears. Feel better? 7_7

Sir Brian The Manly said...

substitutionary swears, you head. =P

Kaits said...

Elyse: This Josh person is my older brother. :D but I know so many Josh's it can get pretty confusing.

I think I've stayed up that late myself playing chrono trigger. :)

Father Cory said...

"substitutionary swears, you head. =P"

But still!!!

Beth said...

i'm prettyy sure it's ike illegal or something for cory to swear since he's a reverend and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Father Cory would be struck down by lightning.

Ooohh I have a story: I was eating raviolies with my nephew a couple years ago. He started saying, "Smite me!" over and over again I don't remember the reason. I was trying to tell him to stop but I was laughing so hard milk came out of my nose into my bowl, so that I was laughing/crying. In 2 words I would describe it as, Good times

Oh so funny...

Anonymous said...

duuuuuuuuude, Brian, I haven't seen you for like... an hour and a half, now! that's like FOREVER ahh!

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I know I almost died, I couldn't wait to see you the next day. XD

Father Cory said...

"i'm prettyy sure it's ike illegal or something for cory to swear since he's a reverend and stuff."


I mean.
