Sunday, January 22, 2006

So today in church our pastor mentioned that he'd written "Spring Cleaning" in the bulletin (can't remember why) but he said he'd spelled it wrong. He spelled it "Serene Cleaning". And he said that was something that he'd had a bad experience with, but rather than explain it to us, he'd just show he played a recorded movie from about 19 years ago.

It was of him. On Wheel of Fortune. Yes, that's right, our pastor was on Wheel of Fortune. O_O

So he was about to win this car, and he had to guess a word (two words with a dash between them actually) and he got to choose a few letters. So he chose his letters and this is what came up on the board:
S_R_N_ - CLEANING (the cleaning obviously had letters missing somewhere but you could totally tell it was "cleaning") and so he kept saying "..serene cleaning!" and he was trying to think and then finally his time was up and it turned out to be spring cleaning. He didn't win the car. but he DID win about 15,000 dollars! Beauty. Everybody in the church was quite surprised, lol

Also I have the coolest sister in the world (you just tell her to make something for you and she does! It's incredible!) and I might apply for a job at a retirement home not far from here. I'm getting desperater and desperater. ^_^


Anonymous said...

So today in church our pastor mentioned that he'd...wait. We don't HAVE a senior pastor right now. Ok, so just kidding. Actually, church was sort of weird today. It was pretty random. And weird. Yeaaaah, anyway.... :-D

Father Cory said...

O_O Our pastor talked about wooden rifles. 7_7

Though I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he had been on WoF at some point XP


Father Cory said...

Oh, and by the way, I figured out the problem.

A long pepperoni is fired out of a new secret weapon developed by the Mediterraneans arm of NATO. As it flasshes past the reviewing stand, its length is measured to be 44% of what it was before launch. How fast is it moving?

*sing song* IIIIIIIII knooooooow the annnnnnnsweeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Really? what's the answer? I wouldn't be able to prove you wrong if you are 'cause I have no idea. XD

(i was going to change tripod picture, but then I thought, "heck it's still a random picture, I'll just leave it")

Father Cory said...

A long pepperoni is fired out of a new secret weapon developed by the Mediterraneans arm of NATO. As it flasshes past the reviewing stand, its length is measured to be 44% of what it was before launch. How fast is it moving?

Answer: Twice around orange. Obviously.

Kaits said...

we had a guest pastor. he talked about gnostics(sp?). It was really intresting.

Yeah you have the coolest sister!