Monday, December 18, 2006

I had a nice day but it was quite a bit of work

I'm very pleased at how buying gifts turned out, but it was a lot of effort to get there

Heroes is cool but it has some bad stuff

Same with Lost

I have a lot of enjoyable things to do but I can't seem to get them all done

There's currently no school but there will be too soon

Darren and I will have tons of fun soon but we have too many games to play and too little time to play them

God is really working in my life but things are still hard

Cory is the pwn but he lives infinity miles away

My girlfriend is safe and still the best girl ever, but I can't be with her right now

I like the snow but it's too cold

So I guess it's safe to say that half of everything is awesome right now.

EDIT: "The Number 23" Jim Carrey is in a horror movie? That's messed up.


Anonymous said...

Dude. My power has been out since Thursday and I'd just like to say, I think the new blog colors are UH-MAY-SINK. Very spiffy.

Father Cory said...

Hey! Don't let the Uh sink! It's only been on the sea for forty days!

I live infinity miles away T_T