Sunday, April 09, 2006

Observation: Cover of Chronicals of Narnia has 3 polar bears pulling witchy's sleigh. Actual movie has 2. What the madness?

EDIT: Here this is the best shot I could get from the trailer:

As you can see, two polar bears.

Now here's the movie cover

THREEEE!! Anyway yes, it just doesn't make sense. ^_^


Father Cory said...


Sir Brian The Manly said...

Edited. See, see, see?

Kaits said...

Hey! I watched some of that last night. I cried when they got on the train.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

good because that's the only actual sad part in the movie. XD

Beth said...


Sir Brian The Manly said...

It's only been two days and I doubt I have anything to say. But very well, I shall update.