Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I rented (read: Kristen rented for me) the first four episodes of 24. I don't really like it. ..and of course they leave you hanging on the fourth episode, moreso than the first three even. However I don't believe I will rent the next four episodes because I don't think I care enough.

My sister is having her baby tomorrow, and my sister-in-law wanted to be here for it, so my brother is bringing her and my niece here tonight, and then he and I are going back to his house in the morning (because he still has to work) so it looks like I'll be at his house for 3 days and it's going to be der UBER fun! Especially if I get to hang out with Rosanne on Thursday and/or Friday. Then Friday night Darren, Rosanne, and I are all returning to Moses Lake for Easter weekend and it will be the best weekend in ummm...a long time. Noo doot aboot oot!

I'm hungry. All I've eaten today were poptarts and I'm not even all that crazy about poptarts. These were okay though. Hmmm. Bet you were dying to know all that, eh?


Anonymous said...


Mary Jackson asked today if you had some music to play for her on Sunday....I said I did not know...

Sign me wondering,


The Old Popsicle

Father Cory said...

Dude. 24. You're insane.

We're already on the third season XD

Beth said...

don't eat the poptarts if you don't like them, you food waster!

cOrY:you like 24? you like the stupid girl at the party with only 4 people? you like the icky girl who blows up the plane? ewwwwwwwww.....

Mr. Old Popsicle: why did you call yourself old popsicle?

Father Cory said...

bEtHaNy: Yes. Because the episodes/seasons get continually better as they progress.