1. Four jobs I’ve had:
- My parents store doing Janitor stuff, and occasional tech support for things like DVD burning
- Taking pics of dogs/cats at the shelter and uploading them/sending them to newspaper
- Soon I will be part of a lawn mowing/lawnmower tune-up business
- Ummm..occasional networking for my parents as well. Running cables and such
2. Four movies I could watch over and over:
- Legend of The Drunken Master
- Jackie Chan's First Strike (don't watch the pantsless scene kthnx)
- Teh X-mens
- ummm..Incredibles perhaps?
3. Four places I’ve lived:
- Moses Lake, Trailer
- Moses Lake, Blue House
- Moses Lake, Blue House #2
- Moses Lake, White House
4. Four TV Shows I love to watch:
- Spider-man cartoon series
- Batman The Animated Series
- X-men cartoon series
- Exo Squad
5. Four places I’ve been:
- Mount Rushmore
- Devil's Tower
- Rosanne's House
- Cory's Old House
6. Four favourite Dishes:
- Pizza
- Hangabers
- Stuff with meat
- Brains
7. “Four” sites I visit daily:
- Blogs and Journals and such
- The Hangout (secret place. shhhh.)
- My online email spot
- Nationstates.net
8. Four Favourite Drinks:
- Water
- Pop
- Kool-Aid perhaps?
- Canadian Beer aka Jones Soda perhaps?
9. Four places I would rather be:
- Somewhere with Rosanne
- Cory's house (if he'd be there too of course)
- At a theater watching X3 (which would be hard since it's not out yet)
- At a theater watching Spider-man 3 (which would be hard since it's not out yet)
10. Four transport methods I often use:
- Vanly
- Walk
- Superpowers
- Riding in a vehicle that belongs to somebody else
11. Four people I’m tagging:
- Your mom. She's big enough that she counts as four. XD
Sure you can! I just don't recommend it.
naaaaationstaaaaaates! i missed my country!!! ;) lol
(and you, you hoser)
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