Monday, September 03, 2007

Battle of Teh Bloggers™, Command Thee picture...

"A command to teh Braianz! I command thee to take a picture of thyself charging into imaginary battle with a trash can lid as your shield and a plunger as your sword!" -Father Cory


And as a cweepy bonus...

And now, Cory, I Command Thee to photoshoot thyself performing...AN AMAZING BALANCING ACT!!! (please be balancing on something while also balancing at LEAST 3 to 5 other things on you, but the more the pwninger.) HA! XD -Bwian


Elyse said...


As I opened up the comment box Johnny Cash's Everybody loves a nut song came on..


"Everybody loves a nut.. Everybody loves a weirdo.. Brains are in a rut but everybody loves a nut."


AND, I was going to say that your neighbors must be entertained/scared by and of you. lol

Sir Brian The Manly said...

He SHOULD'VE said Brians are in a rut. =)

I try to make sure my neighbors aren't looking before I do stuff. ;)

Father Cory said...

I read that as "Brians", not "Brains". Just for the record.

And I laughed when I saw tohse. Toes. Fimg.

On my way!

Beth said...

my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Father Cory said...




Sir Brian The Manly said...

Bless you my child.