(Ethan wrote that.)
Too many people get divorced. I hate divorce. I know there are rare occasions when it is perhaps...necessary? But most of the time it's selfish, heartless, and cowardly, and it ruins everybody involved.
Never get divorced!
But on a lighter-hearted note: cweepy!!
Create your own Friend Quiz here
God hates divorce too. It's stupid and it's messing with a friend of mine right now... Makes me want to PUNCH DIVORCE IN THE FACE! Except I don't think that's really possible. Hmm....
Hahah.... That last question was eaaaaaaaaaasy.
Dude, you are such a liar. Your middle name is totally Elyse. But I think your name kind of sounds Irish, when you say it all together. Or maybe I'm crazy, or mayybe I should go to sleep. Ho hum...
Cwap. I suk.
Hahaha, oh man, Cory. Elyse beat you. XD
My questions were mostly guessing ones though I bet. I think it's all public knowledge, but you would have to hang out with me quite a bit to know. Like Hugh might know a bunch of them.
Ha I'm number one!!!
and i barely even saw you from 2002-2006!
whatever Bethany took it AFTER she read your answers above
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