Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We watched the city fireworks show tonight and it was a lot better than the past years (because they increased the money amount from $10,000.00 to $15,000.00, heh). We sat by the water as the fireworks went off right across the lake from us so we could feel the thud of the soundwaves against our chests and stuff. It was quite splendid.

And some may remember when I was asking the question: Which do you like better, fireworks or lightning? Well tonight we had BOTH! and the lightning was great too! The fireworks were straight across from us, and the lightning was striking in the horizon lighting up the clouds around it. I like lightning better. ^_^


Anonymous said...

lol, well, good thing lightning isn't illegal, then... ;)

Sir Brian The Manly said...

yep! =)

Kaits said...

Dude, we had lightning too! We saw a huge bolt come down on some trees while we were driving.

becca said...

I was in moses lake for fireworks last year.

I don't remember them being that good.

But I remember Charlie almost setting the Gjefles yard on fire, that was funny.