Sunday, February 05, 2006

I played guitar on the roof the other day. It was fun. Kind of like fiddler on the roof, but I was sitting, and I didn't have a fiddle. ..and I was playing System of a Down and Creed instead of Jewish stuff. Then it got cold and I quit. More people should play instruments on their rooves though. It's good stuff. Too bad I can't get my entire upright piano up there.

5 days. (cory hasn't been around so I think a countdown is safe *glances around*)


Anonymous said...

lol you weirdo! that reminds me: once max and lucas went and played guitar on this pedestrian overpass, over the freeway. hahaha. you're so weiiird! :) WOO 5 days!! :-D

Sir Brian The Manly said...

lol I just remembered another time..when we bought the upright piano for the store, we transported it in my van so it was back there a while so a few times I played the piano outside in my van. XD

Father Cory said...


Father Cory said...


Kaits said...

Fiddler on the roof is the only reason I want to learn violin.

Doig stuff on roofs rocks!

Father Cory said...

I like to stand upon the roof. Then jumpoffit.


Sir Brian The Manly said...

oh dear. he sawd.

I live on jumpoffit except it's actually jumpoffutt and there's no jump, it's just offutt.

I wish I could play violin because it can be used quite nicely in things like soundtracks and epic songs and such. =þ

Father Cory said...

But did you ever jumpoffut in the summer? Might've beenrough.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

absolutely. summer evenings are a good time because our roof is metal so at that time it wouldn't be hot or cold

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm can't wait until summer....sigh