Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stop the clock,
stop time,
stop ticking,
stop sign,
stop being in the way,
stop giving me that face,
watch those hands, 4-way,
stop in at Moses Lake,
At The Firefly Café,
stop this rhyming I say!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

There are on occasion, people who come into the café and play the piano. I think the majority of the people who do, seem to lack the ability or knowledge of dynamics in their playing, and despite the fact that their music is actually pretty good...the missing dynamics make it almost a mite irritating to listen to. I never realized how important they were when my teacher used to hammer them into me, but playing softer with one hand than the other, or building up your volume at certain points, or quiet here, noisy there, all works together to make beautiful music. Without such dynamics, even a pretty song can sound rather bland and somewhat uninteresting. I guess it's like the difference between a drawing or photograph that's head on, as opposed to one that's positioned at a crazy angle.

Like this versus THIS...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today I took the mop and doused the floor in a slip-n-slide of water, and then I was running and sliding across it. I was hydroplaning like 16-20 feet, it was amazing badazing! It was the most fun I've had at work since yesterday! =D

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Here are some silly white board drawings I've done at the café. Pa-tanga!

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

o nos, i'm gotsed sick now, sry gais. =(

Good old Chevelle. Listening to their new album now. Never do they waiver from their founding style; yet they manage to create music just as great!

Gerie's moving home in just a couple weeks!

I've got two computers at home on a switch box so I can switch between them at the press of a button! I don't know why I enjoy such things so much. It gets me excited though. Too bad one of the computers is using Windows ME. >_<

I have to go make an order! People always want food. =P
